Close out the Year with the Three R's

Close out the Year with the Three R's

You made it! It's nearly the end of 2021! Whew, making it this far is a good enough reason to celebrate, am I right?

Now, if you’re like me, the end of the year is often bittersweet. I love the beckoning of a new year, offering a clean slate, but my unaccomplished goals for the year often send me on a guilt trip. But we are not going to do that this year! Nope, we are going to end this year with a bang! We’ve all had some ups and downs, challenges, great times and horrible times, disappointments, and losses. Let’s not discount those not-so-great experiences; instead, let's use them as springboards into better days ahead.

I have three words to help you end your year right. I call them the three R’s: Reflect, Restrategize, and Relax.


Find a comfortable seat, settle in with your drink of choice, and get ready to take a journey down memory lane. Revisit each month in 2021 and recognize all the good things that have occurred.

Greet your reflection time with an attitude of gratitude. Being grateful helps you focus on how far you’ve come while anticipating what is yet to come. Grab a pen and paper and create a gratitude list.

When you consider things in retrospect, oftentimes the good outweighs the bad, and sometimes what appeared to be bad was actually a blessing in disguise. When I make my gratitude lists, I am always amazed at all the good things I am able to compile.

  • Start off your gratitude list with the big deals that privilege often overlooks, such as: having a roof over your head, food to eat, the ability to read this post right now, etc. Then go ahead and write down everything else that fills you with excitement, just at the thought of them.

  • Also be sure to identify people that were instrumental to your progress in 2021. Take some time and reach out; saying thank you goes a long way.

Next up, conduct a self-assessment - 2021 was no walk in the park, so be nice! Don’t be your own worst critic. When you do this activity, ensure that you cut yourself some slack while you challenge yourself to improve. The goal is to note what you did well and what you can do better. It really is a win-win situation!

Write down your accomplishments. Yes, all those goals you smashed! Whether big or small, that mission has been completed and it is worthy of note. Even if it seems like just a drop in the ocean, it is a starting point, and you are not where you used to be. Celebrate each and every win. Celebrate yourself! You deserve a pat on the back. Look at yourself in the mirror and shout, “Hey, you! Good job!”

After apologizing to your neighbor for yelling, take time to acknowledge some areas of your life that need improvement. Create an action plan to ensure that history does not repeat itself. Turn those mishaps into lessons learned! Make up your mind to change for the better and get your desired results in the upcoming year.

Now, don’t give up just yet; you might have some smaller goals that can still be accomplished before saying goodbye to 2021. If you’ve got the time, go ahead and try to cross a couple more lines off your to-do list.


Change does not happen by accident. If you want to evolve into a better version of yourself and truly be fulfilled by this time next year, you have to plan ahead.

Prepare for the new year. Don’t wait until January 2022 to plan how your year will turn out. After the euphoria of the holiday season, you still have to deal with reality. The best time to prepare for the future is today.

  • Be optimistic- don’t let past disappointments or failures prevent you from trying again.

  • Set realistic goals for each area of your life.

  • Create a structure that will ensure that you make progress towards your goals throughout the year.

  • Gather a support team that can hold you accountable.


Be intentional about winding down as the year comes to an end. Try not to carry over any stress and unresolved issues into the new year.

Now, take a break! Reward yourself and do something that makes you happy.

  • Buy yourself an end-of-the-year gift.

  • Treat yourself to a good meal or a pampering session.

  • Hang out with friends, family, and loved ones.

  • Have some fun, guilt-free. You deserve it.

13 December 2021

Words by:Bunmi Adebiyi


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