Introducing the Luna Theme

Introducing the Luna Theme

We’ve added a beautiful new theme to our growing theme family!

Luna, designed by our friends at Singlenaut, is our first fully responsive theme. So not only does Luna give you another way to make your shop stand out, it’s expertly crafted to shine brightly on any type of desktop, tablet, or mobile device.




Luna also showcases a number of awesome new features and customization options, like integration with Twitter, Facebook, and Pintrest. Take’r for a quick spin in this test store, or hop in your admin now and see how your store looks dressed in Luna.

This also marks the first time we’ve worked with an outside team to bring you a new theme. We’ll be reaching out to other theme developers in the future, so if you’re interested in working with us, join our theme developer’s newsletter.

6 March 2013

Words by:Big Cartel

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