Set up a custom domain manually

Using a custom domain

If we don’t offer automated setup for your specific domain provider, we have instructions you'll follow for manual setup in your domain provider account.

Heads up! If your domain is hosted by Cloudflare, we have specific setup instructions here.

Using www

They ask for:

You enter:

CNAME record

Your custom domain (

Direct to, Points to, Alias for, or similar

Your Big Cartel URL (

301 redirect

Without the www (

To get your custom domain up and running with your Big Cartel store - you’ll want to create a CNAME record on the www version of your domain to point to your shop, and then you’ll simply forward the non-www version of your custom domain to the www version using a 301 redirect.

How to set it up

  1. Create or edit a CNAME record with your DNS provider

    Log in to your DNS provider's control panel. From there, you'll want to edit your DNS settings. You can do this from the DNS manager, zone file settings, advanced forwarding, or a similar title referring to DNS records. This is where you will edit or add a CNAME record. You'll either create a CNAME record for www or you'll need to edit the www CNAME record if one already exists. Enter the following:

    • Alias: www

    • Type: CNAME

    • Points to: enter your shop's full URL, but do not add http or https in front of your URL.

  2. Redirect to www

    Time to redirect your non-www URL to the www URL with a 301 redirect. In the domain forwarding section of your selected domain, select forwarding only or a 301 redirect without masking.

  3. Enter your domain into Big Cartel

    Head to Account > Edit your shop info > Add a custom domain and click Add domain in your Big Cartel admin. Enter your full custom domain with the www in front in the Custom domain field, and click Save.

That's it! Now we wait. It can take up to 24-48 hours for domain changes to update. If it's still not working after that, you should contact your domain host to help you figure out why.

Using a subdomain

They ask for:

You enter:

CNAME record

Your subdomain (

Direct to, Points to, Alias for, or similar

Your Big Cartel URL (

For the sake of these instructions we'll use shop as the example--but you can choose whatever subdomain you want (store, boutique, goods, buystuffnow, etc.)

How to set it up

  1. Create or edit a CNAME record with your DNS provider

    Log in to your DNS provider's control panel. From there, you'll want to edit your DNS settings. You'll be able to do this from the DNS manager, zone file settings, advanced forwarding, or a similar title referring to DNS records. This is where you'll add your new subdomain and CNAME. Enter the following:

    • Alias: shop

    • Type: CNAME

    • Points to: enter your shop's full URL, but do not add http or https in front of your URL

  2. Enter your domain into Big Cartel

    You'll head to Account > Edit your shop info > Add a custom domain in your admin. Click Add domain and enter your full custom domain with the www in front in the Custom domain field, and click Save.

That's it! Now we wait. It can take up to 24-48 hours for domain changes to update. If it's still not working after that, you should contact your domain host to help you figure out why.

Have questions?

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