Shipping Profiles

Heads up! U.S. sellers on either Platinum or Diamond plans can automatically apply shipping to orders. Head here to learn more.

Getting started with Shipping Profiles

Shipping Profiles is a tool that allows you to set storewide shipping rates with customizable shipping methods, like Standard or Next Day shipping, for example. You can also offer local pickup or delivery options. Shipping profiles are set on the Account page under the Shipping Profiles beta section.

Default Shipping Profiles

⚠️ For shops outside the U.S., Shipping Profiles and Product Shipping Profiles are separate from Product-level Shipping settings. To set a unique rate for each product in your shop, follow the steps in our Product-level Shipping guide. Keep in mind that enabling Shipping Profiles will hide Product-level Shipping rates.

With the Shipping Profiles tool, you can set default shipping rates for any region you want to ship to. The default rates will apply to all products in your shop. In addition to your storewide default rates, you can ship specific items in separate packages using the Product Shipping Profiles tool alongside your default rates.

Region selector

The region selector gives you greater control over your shipping destinations, making it easy to include or exclude specific regions and countries which simplifies the complexities of regulatory compliance and shipping preferences. Available to all sellers, this feature allows for both continent- and country-specific customization.


Add flat-rate shipping

To charge flat-rate shipping, set the Each additional rate to $0.00. Customers will only be charged the First item rate and nothing more.

If you would like to charge extra to ship multiple items, you can use the Each additional field to cover the cost of any additional items a customer may add to their cart. For example, if you set the First item rate to $5, and Each additional to $1, then customers will be charged $1 extra for each additional item they add to the cart.

💡We recommend keeping the “Each additional” rate lower than the “First item” rate so your customers aren’t overcharge for shipping.

Offer free shipping

To offer free shipping, set both First item and Each additional rates to $0.00 for any country, zone or region you want to ship to for free.

If you plan to offer free shipping to specific customers only or as part of a sale, you can create a discount code for customers to enter on the checkout page. We have more information in our Add a discount code guide.

💡 Shipping settings can be adjusted at any time to temporarily offer free shipping to certain regions


⚠ The Shipping Profiles tool must be enabled in order for shipping fees to appear at checkout for your customers. Only customers in the areas you set up Shipping Profiles for will be able to purchase from your store. (no shipping settings = $0 shipping worldwide)

  1. Log in at

  2. Go to Account.

  3. Scroll down to section in admin labeled Shipping Profiles Beta.

  4. Click Edit your shipping.

  5. Enable Shipping profiles beta by toggling on feature

  1. Click Set up default shipping rates.

  2. Use the region selector to select a country, region, or zone and use the downward arrow to expand the location list and tweak the destinations you plan to ship or not ship to.

  3. Select from the list of pre-populated Shipping Methods (Standard, Next Day, and Customer Pickup) to edit the names, add rates, or delete that specific method. Rates left at $0 will offer free shipping to all customers in that location.

  4. Click Save.

To create additional Shipping profiles for different countries or zones, click Set up default shipping rates again and walk through the previous steps to create another Profile.

To edit an existing Shipping Profile, select that specific country from your list of profiles.

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