Prefer to go with a simple flat-rate shipping for all your products or prefer to set up shipping manually? Click I'll set rates manually and we walk you through that process here.
Follow these steps to enable and set up automatic rates in your store:
Set up Automatic Shipping Rates
Navigate to your Account Settings and scroll down to the Shipping section. Click Set up shipping.
Select Calculate Rates for Me.
Shipping from
Under Shipping from, input your store’s country and address. We enter your store’s address by default, but you can change it if you ship from a different address.
Shipping to
Select which countries you ship to. You can edit this list at any time.
Parcel templates
In the Parcel templates section, you’ll find six predefined box sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL, and Envelope).
If these templates suit your needs, no action is required. Otherwise, you can add your own custom package templates by clicking Edit parcel templates.
Fallback rates
To handle any calculation failures, you can configure fallback rates for both Domestic and International
shipping. These will apply automatically when needed.
Surcharges (Optional)
To cover extra shipping-related costs (like packaging materials), you can add a surcharge. Choose between a percentage or flat-rate surcharge in the Surcharge section.
Complete shipping setup in each product listing
Head to each product listing in your admin to complete your shipping settings.
Does this product need to ship alone? If an item can not fit in a box with other items in an order, be sure to check this box so shipping rates will be calculated accurately with the additional package.
Set your product's shipping weight in grams, kilograms, ounces or pounds. An estimate is all that's needed.
Select your parcel type. Keep in mind that it's most cost-efficient to go with the smallest box the item will fit in - the larger the box, the more expensive the shipping.
Save and test
Complete the setup, then run a test checkout to ensure rates are being calculated correctly.